Friday, April 6, 2012

weight in day week 8

week 8 weigh in and I am very happy to say I am down 3lbs this week for  a total of 35 pounds lost since December 12 2011

April 5 2012

Breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original) t
his was yum will post recipe soon

morning snack
Morning snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
a new fav snack and this is a good amount it's 1/2 ounce of multigrain tostitos yum

Light snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
butter popcorn flavor it's good if I want something light and fast.

First time in a week its now a treat, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

the above and below were part of my free meal for today. I am gonna limit this to once a week so I don't feel like I am missing out. I didn't have any before this since last Saturday. And the fries above have no salt on them and I didn't finish them.
Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

Last snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
yummy grapes

total Calories 1951

little high today but that's OK had a free meal back on plan tomorrow and setting new goals for a new week. oh and it's weigh in tomorrow too. hope it's a good one.

April 4 2012

Breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
cottage cheese

Morning snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
tostittos and salsa with cheese and guacamole

snack while out
Unplanned snack late gettimg back from appointment, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

Dinner hubby made, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
carrots green beans and eggs scrambled

evening snack
Peanut butter chocolate last snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original) didn't finish it had only one bite and it went to the garbage didn't like it.

had a serving of peanuts instead. another good day today and I am feeling much better too. I just need to keep working on the pop and getting my workouts in and drinking my water. I have been doing good with cutting out the junk food as well.

April 3 2012 food log

breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

1/2 cup of cottage cheese
30 grams of peanuts
1 banana

morning snack
Morning snack with the last of breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
naked smoothie
1 cheese string
I also finished my banana
and peanuts from breakfast.

Lunch, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
a veggie wrap
with lettuce, mushrooms,cucumber,green peppers,
red onions pickles and white cheese with light mayo

Dinner, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
taco salad with chicken and chili powder and cayenne pepper

evening snack:
Last snack of the night, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

I will post recipe for taco salad soon

not pictured is peanuts 30 grams and 5 mini eggs

walk 20 mins times 2 and a 10 min walk

another great day

calories were 1686

still working on the water and exercise.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Food Log for April 2 2012

Day 52 Week 8

Breakfast check blog soon for details, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
2 slices low sodium turkey bacon
1 ounce of cheese low fat
1/2 pita pocket
1 egg
1 small apple

morning snack:

Morning snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
30 grams of almonds
1/2 cup fresh pineapple
1 ounce of string cheese

Lunch, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
3 ounces canned flakes of ham drained
2 Romain hearts
1/4 cup of celery
1 tbsp of fat free mayo
1 banana 

afternoon snack:
Afternoon snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
1 1/2 ounce of canned flakes of ham
1 tsp of fat free mayo
1/2 mini pita bread cut into triangles

Dinner, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
3 ounces fast fry pork chop ( cooked on my grill it's like a foremen)
1 tbsp of BBQ sauce
1/2 cup of canned green beans
1 cup of baby carrots fresh
1 clementine

evening snack:
Last snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese 1%
1/4 cup of honey roasted peanuts
1 apple

Denis Austin Kick Boxing Workout  15 minutes
walk to store and back 20 minutes roughly
cleaning the house off and on during the day

water - half a 56 ounces

pop I had three bottles at 710 ml.

today was another good day. Gotta really aim to get that water in. I have been feeling great not as tired. Although I do now have a slight headache. but that could be from all the changes I am making in my eating plan and with cutting back on the caffeine. Didn't really feel tired that much today. And I noticed I am not as hungry as I was last week. calories are spot on. I think though I may up my limit a little now that I am working out and what not we will see. I will keep going for now at 1440. And see how I feel. I am on day two of no junk food. And will keep it up. Sunday I will be at my parents place for Easter dinner and Saturday I am out of town for most of the day. but will stick to plan as best as I can. I have all my meals planned out for tomorrow except my morning snack as I will be at my daughter's appointment at that time. I will do the best I can with what they have at the place I will be.Well that's it for tonight I am off. Gonna head to bed soon as I have to be up at 6;30 and ready to go by 8. I wanna try and get my workout in before I leave in the morning. night all

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Breakfast Quesadilla

What you will need:

1 corn tortilla
1/4 cup of black beans
1/4 cup of green pepper
1/4 cup of onions
2 eggs (scrambled / fried)
1 ounce of fat free cheese

what to do:

in one pan cook eggs spray with a little pam

in another pan saute the following:

green pepper onion and black beans

then when all is cooked
place on tortilla and wrap and enjoy.

easy as that.

breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

Food Log for April 1 2012

Day 51 Week 8

breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
1 whole wheat wrap 180 calories
2 eggs 144 calories
1 ounce of cheese fat free 60 calories
1/4 cup of green pepper
1/4 cup of white onion
1/4 cup of black beans
sorry so blurry

mid morning snack
Mid morning snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)

1/2 ounce of multigrain tostitos
1 tbsp of salsa
1 tbsp of Guacamole
1 ounces of mozzarella cheese part skim light

Lunch, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
3 ounces ground Turkey seasoned with cayenne pepper
and garlic salt.
1 slice of tomato 1 hearts of romaine lettuce
leaf and 2/3 cup of
 apple sauce with cinnamon for flavor.

Dinner more info on my blog soon, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
3 ounces minced extra lean turkey meat
1/4 cup of green pepper's mushrooms and white onions
sauteed in a tbsp of extra virgin olive oil seasoned with cayenne pepper and salt
1/3 cup of peanuts
1 clementine

Evening Snack
Last snack, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
1 weiner
1 tbsp of ketchup and mustard
1 apple

allowed calories 1440
total 1857
daily totals 1887
remaining calories 138
burned calories 555


walk to store and back 20 minutes
WATP's 1 mile walk about 20 - 25 minutes
house cleaning 20 minutes

Today has been a good day. I actually got in a workout at home one of my walking DVD's go me. I am aiming to do 4-5 days of exercise this week for 20 - 30 minutes each time I do it. I wanna get in other  then just walking. I know walking is just as good as any other exercise but I wanna strengthen my hole body I am tired of being in some kind of pain every day. I know most of it is prob due to age or what ever but the rest is due to not getting enough exercise in. Oh I also got in my water today to. I have a 6 pack of pop left here at home plus two singles in the fridge. once that is gone I will be done with pop. I aim to not buy it when I go out if I can get away with it. Or to have it only when we eat out.
Eating out has been cut back down to 1 - 2 days a week now that hubby is no longer working at a fast food joint. Thank god. I think that is all. I will be back tomorrow for more of an update and my food pictures.

Food Log For March 31 2012

Day 50 Week 8 starts

some what good day today but am starting back on my eating plan tomorrow as I am going shopping today for groceries so what the blog for the pictures.

breakfast, Uploaded with Snapbucket (Original)
turkey meat 1 packet 90 calories 30 grams of low fat cheese 90 calories hummus to go snack  with flat bread 170 calories
Lunch, Big Mac medium Fries and a Medium Diet Coke
Big Mac 540 calories, medium Fries 360 and a Medium Diet Coke 0 calories
Dinner last meal, Beef Ravioli with meat sauce and yve roche chocolates and my last pop for the day which I won't drink all of.
 dinner: Beef Ravioli with meat sauce 270 calories with 3 chocolate pieces 220 and a Diet Pepsi about 3 mouth fulls
Pop three i had a medium diet coke while out no more for the night, I did have a little more pop after this one maybe like a couple of mouth fulls
Diet Pop number 1
Pop one goal is 2 cans  and 1 bottle, first one of the day
Number two and three was with lunch
Water challenge 2 glasses in, trying to get my water in
didn't get in all my water need to really work harder on this.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Grocery Haul Time

turkey bacon low sodium

cheese string for a snack


apple sauce

flavor for my water

cheese yum

t.v dinners all under 300 calories

cottage cheese and quacamole the kind I got is all natural

for home made mini pizza yum

romaine hearts for salads

red pepper



Red Onion

sliced mushrooms and Portabella  mushrooms


green onions

green peppers

white onion

