Saturday, March 31, 2012

Grocery Haul Time

turkey bacon low sodium

cheese string for a snack


apple sauce

flavor for my water

cheese yum

t.v dinners all under 300 calories

cottage cheese and quacamole the kind I got is all natural

for home made mini pizza yum

romaine hearts for salads

red pepper



Red Onion

sliced mushrooms and Portabella  mushrooms


green onions

green peppers

white onion



weigh week 7 ends

this week I am back down to 149lbs I will take it. I have made some changes this week. And was sick off and on all week so total lost to date is 32 lbs I have 4 more pounds to my next mini goal of 145lbs. and 14 total till my goal weight of 135lbs 

Week 8 of my Challenge

   So as I enter week 8 of m personal challenge I am making some major changes to my diet. Two of the main big things is getting in my water and cutting back and then cutting out the Diet Soda. I have done great this week with my cut back but need to improve on it the up coming weeks. I have also been  working on a website to go a long with the blog and it's coming a long nicely. Also this week I am going to make a better effort at introducing exercise back into my plan. I need to. I am tired of being tired and just not feeling good all the time. Eating alone is not going to get me looking the way I want to look, or feel the way I want to feel. I have changed my goals page and added pictures of how I have done with my goals each week. I am also gonna make a few other changes here as well. so keep an eye out for them. that's it for now have a great weekend and I will be back later today with my food intake and pictures for the day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Catch Up.

 hey I have been out sick off and on since Saturday that just passed and my baby girl is teething and hubby has been out with a shoulder injury as well as being sick. I am still on plan as best as I can be with me not wanting to be able to eat a hole lot at times. I am going to be going grocery shopping again soon. I think I will take pictures of all that I buy when I get it. I did do one day of an actual work out before I got sick again and that was Sunday have been getting walking in when I can. And I have also started cutting back on my pop. I am down to 2 or 3 a day where I was drinking almost 5-6 a day. Being sick has helped that.
    I will be updated the albums in the next day or two. I am still taking pictures of my food. Oh hubby is no longer working at McDonald's it wasn't for him. So we will not be eating there as much now. I think that is it. I will be back to update again in the next couple of days.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Food Log For March 23 2012

Day 43 Week 7 

Cutting back on pop.  watch how I do. Also my knees seem to not be hurting me today when I get up or walk. so I am going back to my work outs tonight. was sick all day today so didn't eat much. and had no pop today as well.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Food Log For March 24 2012

Day 42 week 7 starts
not feeling well so didn't eat a lot today. and what I did eat I didn't finish all of it. cause nothing tasted right not even water. but on a good note I didn't have any pop yet and not sure if I will. depends on how I feel. I do have some in the fridge so maybe

week 6 Goals March 17 2012 - March 23 2012

 click to see how I did with my goals this week P.s my week seven goals are now up as well. and on time imagine that lol.
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Food Log For March 23 2012

Day 41 Week 6 Ends 
Friday is weigh in day

today will be another on plan day all meals are planned out for the day. I will be working out tonight I have cleaning and laundry to finish so may not be going far from home. Also will be starting to cut back on a lot of the pop that I have been drinking. I am proud to say that I did not eat any thing after 8 pm last night and will do the same tonight as well.  keep checking back threw the day for pictures as it will automatically be updated when I take the picture of my meals. have a great day and enjoy the weather and the weekend. 

Week 6 Ends It's Weigh in Day ugh ..........

weigh in is updated could have been a lot worse considering how I ate at the beginning of the week.

Food Log For March 22 2012

Day 40 Week 6
a much better day today. even got in a walk out doors with the baby and then a mile WATP's video.  need to keep this up. Also planned meals out well lunch and snacks for 7 days starting with today. We will see how this goes and if I can stick with it will do this next week as well. I also made extra for dinner this week so will be using that as left overs for dinner the next little bit or as fillers for lunches.

Food Log For March 21 2012

 Day 39 Week 6
so today had a free meal and a free snack. But will be on plan tomorrow and def got in lots of movement to burn off what I ate today. I didn't get in any water though but tomorrow I will make up for it. really gotta get this in on a regular basis. but other wise not too bad of a day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

food log for March 19 2012

Day 38 Week 5

been doing really good and staying with my plan. I have my grocery list already and am restocking on the things I need for next week which isn't too much. I will be going to our farm boy for a lot of the stuff I need then to bulk barn as well and then a grocery store too.